
Sunday, January 11, 2009 last!

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year came from my 22 year old son (he of Every Day Constant Blog.)  A six pack of Redbridge Beer from Anheuser-Busch.  It has been 7 long years since I've had a beer and, even though I wasn't much of a beer drinker before, sometimes only a beer will do.  You know?  It's hard to play beer pong or quarters with...well...anything other than beer.  

Redbridge is made from sorghum; no malt or barley.  Somehow, though, it tastes just like I remember beer tasting like.  It was exactly what a beer should be:  BEERY.  No weirdo flavors.  Just beer.  Super drinkable.  It is well-priced, but it may be a little hard to find.  (Sonny D found his at The Foodery in Philly.)  If you can't find it, try  And tell Anheuser-Busch Thank You - for keeping us poor, thirsty GFers in mind!

Redbridge has inspired my DH, who is an amateur brewer, to try his hand at making a GF beer.  I'll keep you updated on his success.

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