
Monday, February 21, 2011

Chill Out with Gluten-Free RelaxZen

Do you ever have days where you are so tense, so stressed out, you just want to scream?  But you can’t just hide under the covers; you have too much to do, right?  That is the perfect time for a RelaxZen Day: a tiny little shot of vitamins, amino acids and herbs that works its magic by chilling you out, focusing you, but not making you drowsy.  
Most of my days are exactly as I’ve described…at the end of the day, I’m wound tighter than a two dollar watch.   But I usually just take a non-refreshing nap, and wake up even more stressed, because I haven’t gotten any housework done and I’m now behind the proverbial 8-ball. 
RelaxZen sent me some samples to review, so I took some RelaxZen Day to work with me and tried it during a particularly rough afternoon.  After about 15 minutes, I felt the stress-wrench easing up.  By the time I got home, I was calm and able to do some housework and make a great dinner.  It didn’t even occur to me to lie down.

RelaxZen Day contains Vitamins B6 and B12, both of which can help with stress and mental clarity.  It also has a proprietary blend including L-theanine, L-threonine, GABA, Passion Flower Extract and Acai Extract.  Oh, and by the way…all RelaxZen’s products are Gluten-Free!

It’s probably not at all surprising that I have trouble falling and staying asleep.  Over the years, I’ve tried just about everything; over-the-counter and prescription medications, herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, wine…you name it.   Lots of things work,  or work for a while, but Rx and OTC meds can be scary, and herbs are sometimes unpredictable, making waking up difficult and leaving me groggy for most of the morning. 

RelaxZen makes a night-time product called RelaxZen Night.  It contains the same ingredients as the Day product, with the addition of Chamomile extract and Pantothenic Acid.  I drank a bottle (2.5 fl.oz.) of the pleasant berry-tasting RelaxZen Night and within 15 minutes, I was feeling calm and sleepy.  I fell asleep pretty quickly and stayed asleep most of the night.  The next time I tried it, I slept the whole night through and woke up easily.  Needless to say, I love these products.  It will be a sad day (or night) in my house when my samples are gone!

RelaxZen is a dietary supplement and conforms to all standards set forth by the FDA’s Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). 
The FDA has not evaluated these claims. RelaxZen is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

RelaxZen has generously offered a case (6 shots) of RelaxZen Day and RelaxZen Night to one of our lucky readers.  Just follow these simple steps:

Mandatory- First, visit RelaxZen and then follow Kinda Real Gluten Free Food via Google Friend Connect and leave us a comment telling us something interesting about RelaxZen products.  (If you are already a GFC follower, great! - just let us know in your comment.)

Extra Entries – (leave a comment for each one-please make sure your email address is included)
  • Like RelaxZen on Facebook
  • Follow RelaxZen on Twitter
  • Follow KindaReal on Twitter
The giveaway ends on March 7, 2011, at 8:00 pm EST.  Winner will be chosen by
Good luck!

KindaReal was given samples of RelaxZen products.  All opinions are our own.  Winners have 48 hours to respond to our email, after which time a new winner may be chosen.


  1. I thought it was interesting that their products have been specially designed to address the needs of active people. I follow on GFC.

  2. I Like RelaxZen on Facebook

  3. I Follow RelaxZen on Twitter

  4. I Follow KindaReal on Twitter

  5. 0 calories, fat and sugar! My email is in my profile.
