
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Luna Protein is a Satisfying Gluten-free Treat

Hey Glutenistas! 
 You think just because you can't eat gluten you have to keep away from energy bars (or at least bars that don't taste like YUCK), right? Not any longer! Clif has just introduced a line of gluten free Luna bars especially designed for women that you are going to love! They taste so good, you might almost think you're being bad and eating a candy bar. But these little guys pack a nutritional punch, with 12 grams of soy/whey protein, 3 grams of fiber, lots of calcium, folic acid, iron, Vitamin D and antioxidants, all under a measly 200 calories. They come in 5 yummy flavors that will calm your cravings and satisfy your sweet tooth: Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cookie Dough and Chocolate Cherry Almond. I had a hard time picking my favorite: I'm very partial to the Chocolate Peanut Butter, but it's been so long since I've had anything with the words “cookie dough” in it, I pretty much scarfed my Cookie Dough Luna Bar down in seconds. They're perfect for stashing in your desk at work or in your handbag. When hunger strikes and mealtime seems to be far, far away, these nougaty high protein bars are just the ticket to see you through. You can find Luna bars at most grocery and mass market stores (like Walmart and Target.)

And because I love you all so much, my faithful followers, and I want you all to try them, I'm going to throw a little giveaway for you!  In one week, I will randomly choose one comment and send the author of said comment a package containing all of the above Luna Protein flavors.  Cool, right?  Here's what you need to do:
  • Be(come) my follower via GFC and leave me a comment telling me that you are with your name and email address.
  • In a comment, tell me what you think your favorite flavor might be.
  • Like KindaReal on Facebook (and leave a comment with your FB name/initials.)
  • Follow KindaReal on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (and leave a comment with the url.)
  • Subscribe to this blog via email (and leave a comment.)
  • Like Luna Bars on Facebook (and leave a comment.)
This protein-packed giveaway will end at 9:00 pm EST on July 28, 2011.  I will notify the winner via email.  Thanks!!!!


  1. I follow you via GFC as SweetsofNY


  2. I think my favorite flavor would be chocolate cherry almond- yum!


  3. I like you on FB as Krista Mk


  4. I'm following you on twitter as @KristaK2


  5. I like Luna Bars on FB as Krista Mk

  6. I think my favorite flavor would be lemon zest- yummy!
