
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Celiac Awareness Day...September 13, 2012

Last year, Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Senator James Inhofe introduced Resolution 550, which declared September 13th National Celiac Awareness Day.  Do you know why September 13th was chosen?  It's the birthday of Dr. Samuel Gee, a British pediatrician who is credited with identifying the link between celiac disease and diet in 1887.  Dr. Gee is known for saying “if the patient can be cured at all, it must be by means of diet.”
Dr. Samuel Gee

In honor of the good doctor, why not make a delicious gluten-free birthday cake?  Check out this gorgeous cake from Amy's Starry Night Cake at Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free.
Gluten-free chocolate cake
Starry Night Cake from Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free

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